
    The first day of 类 is fast approaching! 我们知道你有这个能力 to be successful, but here are some tips to help you prepare for academic success 作为一名大学生.


    Although you spend less time in class in college as compared to high school, you spend much more time preparing for class and completing course work outside of the classroom. 九州娱乐官网 courses are designed to require two to three hours of work outside 在课堂上的每一个小时.

    我们来算一下! If you’re taking four courses and each meets for three hours/week, plan to spend 24 to 36 hours/week on your course work outside of the classroom.


    To get all of your work 完成 – correctly and on time – you need excellent time management 组织能力. Make sure you have all the information about the work for all of your courses in one place, whether that’s a planner or agenda book, a calendar 在你的电脑、手机或挂历上. 大多数成功的学生使用超过 one, for example, they have a wall calendar in their room with notes about everything they need to do each day and a paper planner/agenda or a digital calendar such as your Outlook calendar, with the similar notes.

    Whichever format you use, be sure to list your due dates as well as your internal 最后期限. For example, if your calculus exam is on Friday, write in or schedule the days and times you plan to study prior to the exam. 如果你有论文要交 FYS in two weeks, you should map out on your calendar when you want to have your 研究, 初稿,修改完成. It may sound like a lot of work, but trust me, you’ll 以后感谢你自己.


    With a solid system for tracking what you need to do and when, time management will 容易多了. Work well ahead of the due date and schedule enough time to get everything 完成. Knowing when you are busy and when you have free time will make life much more 可管理的.

    You’ll also have time to meet with professors outside of class if you have questions 或者需要额外的帮助. If you start an assignment the night before it’s due, you definitely won’t have time to meet with your professor if you have questions!

    With a well thought out plan for getting your work 完成, you’ll experience less stress 并且有更多的时间去玩. Now you can plan for campus clubs and organizations, writing for a WC publication, attending campus events, and most importantly hanging 和朋友出去.


    College professors have more discretion on course policies like attendance, 最后期限, 补考和评分. Read the syllabus for each course very carefully, so you’ll 了解你的教授对你的期望. Ask your professor if you have any questions 关于课程要求和政策.


    Familiarize yourself with all the academic support the College offers. 所有这些 offices allow you to make appointments online, attend a drop-in session or scheduled 研讨会,或者走进来寻求帮助. All students use these services, from those who are struggling to those who are doing fine but want to improve their performance in a specific course or enhance specific academic skills and talents.

    写作中心, trained student tutors can help you with all aspects of the writing process, from developing ideas for writing assignments to focusing an argument and incorporating 研究. The tutors come from all of the College’s academic disciplines, so you can choose a tutor who is a major or minor in the subject you are writing about. 你可以 also come to the 写作中心 to get tutoring support for developing, designing, 并进行口头报告项目.

    定量技能中心, trained student tutors support statistics, calculus, and other courses requiring 定量技能 such as mathematics, computer science, physics, chemistry, and 经济学. The QSC has drop-in hours and evening review/active learning sessions for specific 类. 你可以 also make an appointment for one-on-one tutoring in any course requiring 定量技能.

    学术技能办公室, you will find 学术成就 Seminars, study tables for specific courses and one-on-one tutoring in all subject areas except quantitative subjects. 有文件证明的学生 learning disabilities should work closely with our Disability Access Specialist on 教室和校园住宿.

    If you’re taking BIO 111 General Biology, CHE 111 General Chemistry, CHE 201 Organic Chemistry or PSY 111 General Psychology, you will have a 课程导师 这门课. A 课程导师 is a student who has 完成 well in that class, been recommended by the department and trained by OAS to help students learn and review 课程材料. Your 课程导师 runs a weekly review/active learning session. Attendance at 课程导师 sessions is voluntary but very highly recommended.

    全球教育办公室, the professional staff and student workers provide support and services for international students, including great programs for students from the U.S. 与国际接轨 students, and help all students who want to study abroad.


    The reference librarians and other staff at 米勒图书馆 can help you with 研究 including how to access online and in-print sources, evaluate 一个信息来源,并引用来源. 这个团队 教育技术, from the help desk to the Media Production Center and Ideaworks, the college’s maker space, can help you use technology to enrich your academic experience.